
Mississippi River Delta and AGU Fall Meeting

December 2017 - After 2 years of absence I decided to go back to the AGU Fall Meeting. And as the Conference Center in San Francisco is renovating, this year the meeting was held in New Orleans. An excellent opportunity for me to visit the mighty Mississippi River and Delta. In advance of the AGU Fall Meeting, I travelled with my colleagues (Sanja,  Jasper  and  Lisanne ) along the Mississippi River. The Mississippi is well studied and you can find a lot of talks/ posters about this system at AGU as well, so lets see for ourself. Day 1 (Utrecht - Baton Rouge) The first day would be a long day of travelling from our hometown Utrecht all the way to Baton Rouge. The first stop was Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam), with a transfer in Atlanta we arrived at 5pm local time in New Orleans. From there we hired a car and drove to our first stop Baton Rouge, where we had a good night rest. Day 2 (Baton Rouge - Vicksburg) Our first stop of the day was at the Center for River S...

#EarthArXiv #OA uploading my unpublished work online

A week ago I came across a new ArXiv (repository) for Earth Sciences, called EarthArXiv. The original ArXiv has been very succesful in storing pre-prints versions for the Physics community, but so far never was extended to the Earth Science community until last week. As I support Open Access, this new ArXiv might be interesting to support. At the moment, I am uploading all my work to ResearchGate, but since a couple of weeks, publishers have been pushing ResearchGate to remove uploaded work because these were violating the copyrights. I always tried to follow the rules on ResearchGate, so I never uploaded the Version of Record (VoR) if I didn't pay for the Open Access and I sticked to the Accepted Manuscript (AM), which is for example accepted for work published in Elsevier journals. Background information on self archiving policy. ResearchGate used to explain that their website fits within the term of a personal website, however ResearchGate made my contributions private withou...


Postdoc life can become sometimes very excited, especially when there is time to go out in the field and enjoy the beauty of nature. Last monday, I joined a one-day fieldwork to the Western Scheldt Estuary, #chasingthemud. Wietse van de Lageweg and Lisanne Braat are looking for mud, so to question is where can we find the mud in a sandy system such as the Western Scheldt. Wietse just started as a postdoc and he is interested in finding the mud within the subsurface, whereas Lisanne is looking for mud and its role on the morphodynamics of the system. Lisanne just published here first paper as well about the effect of mud on a millenial scale in  ESurf . Little bit of mud, but predominantly sand. I really enjoyed the day #chasingthemud, taking some cores and digging some holes looking for this mud. The tidal flat that we visited, Plaat van Walsoorden, is also of interest for me, as here couple of shoal margin collapses occurred in the last decade (last big one in July 2014)...

Eindelijk is het gelukt om meanderende rivieren te laten ontstaan in het laboratorium

Posted on   September 12, 2012 by   woutvandijk Natuurlijke rivieren zijn niet recht en liggen zelden op hun plaats. In plaats daarvan buigen en krommen rivieren zich door het landschap, wat leidt tot kronkelende ofwel meanderende rivieren. Dat rivieren meanderen is duidelijk, maar hoe en waarom is minder bekend. Deze vragen waren lastig te beantwoorden omdat onderzoekers lang niet in staat geweest zijn om realistische meanderende rivieren na te bootsen. Wetenschapper hebben in eerdere experimenten niet voor elkaar gekregen om de rivier te beperken tot één hoofdgeul en daardoor reikte de ontwikkeling van het meanderende patroon niet voorbij de eerste initiële bocht. In het pas gepubliceerde werk laten onderzoekers van de Universiteit Utrecht zien hoe een dynamische meanderende rivier ontstaat in een zandbak. Daarbij identificeren zij twee voorwaarden die nodig zijn voor het veroorzaken van meanders: een continu variërende stroomopwaartse aanvoer van water en sediment en ...